Frontline - Part I

This song ignites passion in my heart. I know it’s a bit old, but I have loved this song for years. My friends and I made this, and a couple others, our “warrior songs” for much of our youth.

It starts out with a quote from Psalms 23. So right off the bat we are walking through the Shadow of Death. The song begins with the heat of battle. There is a war going on. Some Christians have chosen to sit it out and pretend that they are sitting on a peaceful cloud, playing their harp. The truth is, the enemy wants us to think that. Once we accept Christ we are his enemy, but he is smart enough to know that an enemy that is quiet and careless is not a threat. So the fact is, if you do not challenge him or threaten his plans, then you will likely be left alone. He will not send attacks on you like famine and disease, as that would only sway you to fight. He will leave you alone in your peaceful, non-threatening existence until you die and go to heaven without taking anyone with you.  

Well, that’s not for me. I see the battle around us. I see the battle that the enemy rages against me and my Lord (Ephesians 6:12). I will not sit here and let the enemy take down my friends and family. I will take up my weapon and fight beside my king. So the first sentence in this song and verse says, “I walk through the valley of the shadow,” but it also says I don’t walk alone. My lord is with me. He is strong enough for us both.

Ok, I went a little deep on the first line of the song, but that’s what happens when you read Psalms, right? Anyway, the next line is, “stand beside one another ‘cause it ain’t over yet. I’ll be willing to bet that if we don’t back down, you and I will be the ones that are holding the crown in the end.”

There are several verses that talk about this, (Matthew 24:10) (Matthew 25:31-33) (Matthew 13:20-22) (John 16:1-3) (1 Timothy 4:1-2) (2 Thessalonians 2:2-3), and it speaks to me so deeply that I had to stop typing for a second. The bible does talk about how many supposed Christians will fall away in the end times. How many of those we considered to be our brothers will decide against us because it isn’t popular, or even because it’s dangerous? This breaks my heart to the core. I think about those times, and I wonder who will be standing beside me. Who will come to the ends of the earth with me to find our king?

So the first verse of the song can be summed up like this. I am fighting for you Lord, and I know that you are with me. Also, I am fighting with my brothers and sisters, though not many of us are left.

This is my passion. Right there, in those words. That is what I’m about. I want to be my king’s man. I am not a hero, but a knight. I am noble and strong. I do not perform to be noticed, but to see His will be done. I will go with Him into this war with the demons that plague us, and I will go with any of you who will come. So stand with me my friends. Stand for the lord. 


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